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I suppose some might say, “switch the emails off”, but then again usually I enjoy getting DM from friends, but now and then you do something and you attract a heap of new followers, which I am grateful for of course, but still, what a way to start your day, eh?
We could get into a debate about auto-dms merits, I mean do you auto-pilot your account?
Made me realise that I haven’t had an email from Twitter for a while. Pretty sure I didn’t switch it off.
I use Hootsuite which tabs my main page, replies and dm’s. It also allows me to track (count) my tinyurls.
Check in there rather than email.
I had a similar experience with Auto DMs and found out that you can OPT OUT of receiving them! it takes a couple of minutes and I have not had a single auto-DM since! See here for details:
There is nothing worse to me then choosing to following somebody on Twitter and then getting an effortless “thank you” for following me. I immediately unfollow those people because I feel that they are there to have a audience but to not actually interact with the rest of the Twitter community.