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The military wasn’t for me…

It’s not that I hated it, there were some good elements but being so young when I joined, just 17, I didn’t really know myself and just found myself going down that road….

When I came out a few years later I found myself without a job and just kicking around for a while…

Literally I just played guitar and bummed around enjoying the new found freedom…

I had no real plans, and no big expectations of anything outside playing guitar and being in bands…

So when a band mate asked if I wanted to teach at the local college I really had nothing to lose, so if I failed I’d be in the same place I already was, nowhere….

So I went for it, with not experience, no qualifications..

I just went full on and grabbed it by the balls…

Nothing to lose…

And I guess that mentality has stuck with me….

“What’s the worst that can happen”

You fail? So what?….

I’m pretty sure a midlife crisis is never going to happen to me because I’ve never had an expectation of anything….

I didn’t have a map or bucket list….

It is not that I don’t plan, or make goals, because I do, but when you’ve started with little and you’ve experienced hardship and seriously difficult periods you realise that those times are our strength…

When I make things look easy these days, whatever that is, it is of course the 35 years of failing that has made me an overnight expert…

You can’t learn that quickly ..

You can’t even teach it…

You have to experience it …

In fact success is impossible without failure….

When all is said and done if you’re fearful of change you have to ask yourself the question:

“what is the worst that can happen if I try this and fail”…

Do you relate in this, and more importantly, do you allow yourself to fail?