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So we have just under two-weeks left until MediaCampBucks08, I’m getting excited about it all now.

A quick mail then to mention a few things:

This is the second camp we’ve run at this venue and many of you will know the routine, same building, same kind of format, same places to eat on the day. All pretty straightforward and simple, nothing complex, heaps of wi-fi, tons of rooms, coolio bananio people.


Things You Can Do:

I’m a great believer in reaching-out to people who are NOT in the know, people who are not swimming in the same small pond as us, people who are not early adopters, and people who probably have never heard of the term social media, or new media, have no idea what a Blog is, have no concept of Web 2.0. These are the people that will benefit most from MediaCamp, not the existing practitioners.

SO, with that in mind, I encourage you to post a Blog about the event asap, send emails to your groups of friends, encourage people to take a look and think about coming. Bring people along who you think may benefit, like the local cafe, the B&B up the road, your CEO friend who needs to come up to speed on communications technology. Your friend at the local paper, the college PR rep, the school governor, you get the picture, talk to people.

Start Tagging:

Start mentioning the camp in your channels and tag it with: mediacampbucks08

Flickr Group:

MediaCampBucks08 Flickr

You can see a bunch of pics from last year’s event there, join the group and add further pics.

Audio/Video Promos:

If you fancy making a short audio promo I’ll play it on AC Radio this week and next week (include your own links), you can also upload them to the Wiki. Same thing applies for video, some of you are video people so how about making a short talking head video about the event and posting it and tagging it?

Here is a summary of last year by Nuno:

Any other ideas?

You are all creative people so now is the time to show-off a little and “reach-out” to those who need your help, don’t swim in the small pond with the same people, get out there with people who know nothing about this technology.

Virtual Attendance:

There seems to be some interest in virtual attendance, there is a page on the wiki. I’m more than happy for anyone to use my private island in SecondLife. should it be needed as a venue.


We have enough sponsorship to cover everyone with a t-shirt, cool eh? Eaon is banging away on sourcing the cloth. We should have a size for everyone. However, we can also do with more wonga, maybe the bar bill can be covered, maybe we can get some other goodies, sponsorship is always needed: sponsors

Live Music:

Mikey 12 Casts has organised a complete evening of live music in the student union, pretty coolio bananio that will be, 4 acts or so!

That’s about it for now, though be prepared for more communications in the coming days.