- Make helping people your #1 goal
- Live in the now and take time to smell the roses because you never know when they’ll be gone forever
- Leave no stone unturned in your quest for success (everything matters)
- Taking action always beats creating ideas (I keep an ideas book to get that stuff out of my head so I can focus and rarely revisit it)
- Realize sloppiness is your enemy (attention to detail in all areas of your life creates massive self-esteem that spills over into your confidence, sales and profits)
- Opening a relationship doesn’t start by closing a sale (i.e. rapport and value always beat cheesy sales tactics)
- Talking to people is always the answer (more sales, more customers, more knowledge, more progress)
- Trust your gut
- Be the best version of you (imagine someone’s watching EVERYTHING you do and act accordingly)
- Leave no stains (anything you do which causes guilt, resentment or disappointment in yourself will eat away at you – don’t give those negative voices a chance to attack you)
- It’s about your LIFE, not your business (the journey of becoming a better person and helping others is the best thing you will get out of this, the business and money is a by-product)
- Find the best experts then model, mimic and be mentored by them
- Be a Player and not a Victim in your business (no excuses, everything is your responsibility)
- If you’ve done something twice, outsource it (only do what only you can do)
- No sale is worth selling out for
- Your customer isn’t king, you are (you decide who gets on your bus and who you kick off)
- Don’t take crap from anyone (including customers and prospects)
- Always be learning
- Invest more per year on your own personal development than you do on entertainment
- If it ain’t broke – test it (good is not good enough, find a better way)
- Create a crowd (don’t try to please all people just find YOUR people then make them happy)
- Money loves speed (good today beats perfect tomorrow)
- Leaders are readers
- Schmoozers are losers (networking is dead – develop ways of attracting customers to you directly)
- Ask your people to spread your good word