One of my goals this week is to update my LinkedIn profile to include as much information as possible.
Until now I have used LinkedIn as a fairly “broad stroked brush”, with some very wide summaries, but it seems to me that if I now dig deeper and outline some of my projects more specifically I’ll obtain far more recommendations.
So this is the update I’m adding for the work I carried out with the Crazy Gang at Crayon Marketing, ahh I do love the way those guys work.
(Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Online Media industry)
January 2007 – July 2007 ( 7 months)
• Worked as part of their Virtual Thirst team to develop a brand presence for The Coca Cola Company in the 3D virtual world of SecondLife.
• Conceptualised and developed a prototype “experience” of the Coca Cola brand in SecondLife.
• Created machinima video footage to aid viral marketing
• Interviewed on podcasts for viral marketing the campaign
• Sat on the advisory panel to judge a winning entry for the campaign
Below I’m including the machinima clip I produced as part of this project for those of you who do not use Secondlife, you know it might even tempt you to get your toes a wee bit wet!.