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How To Get A Flood Of New Social Media Consultancy Clients

🔔 Get A Flood Of New Clients For Your Digital Services Using This 3 Step Sales Process: Reach 10k/Month Rapidly 🔔

In the spirit of providing value I’ve decided to share my sales process (face to face) that is golden!!!

I remember the feeling very well, almost like it was yesterday….📅

..even though ten years has gone by…

I was so nervous, my shirt was making my neck feel restricted my voice became higher pitched and my throat dry…😬😬

I had hired a guy who sat in my rented office space…. and even though we had one single client, getting another one fast was essential…

…it was a make or break time…😱

The monthly wages and outgoings were high and if this new prospect didn’t come through we’d be in a seriously bad financial situation…

But why was I so nervous? I knew I could deliver the services…. I was the expert they needed…

Yet it still felt overwhelmingly difficult to believe I could walk into a room and sell a service for 3K a month on retainer… 💲💲💲

I had to have a quiet word with myself and trust the process….

I had to keep telling myself “Chris just follow the step by step process you’ve designed”…

Having that security helped me immensely because it settled me to know it’s not me, it’s the process… 📈

So I took a deep breath and told my employee I’m going to nail it… I had to display confidence and belief…

I walked into the prospect’s office and shook hands with the business owners and began the introductions….

Moving swiftly I took control of the situation (just as the process states) and transitioned into explaining how the meeting will go, I mapped out a verbal agenda….

With my levels of anxiety high I kept telling myself to stick to the process…

…this is how I did it and you can too….


…I took 20 minutes to explain who I was. What I had achieved and what the reasons were for forming my company… most people like a “why”.

In my case my why was “to help other businesses like yours, because I have been in your situation before and know what you probably need”.

I went deep on how I began years ago..

How I had started an online school way back in 2000 that I grew and sold it 8 years later…🏅🏅🏅💰💰

Upon that acquisition I started to consult and help other businesses market online…✔️

I used humour and wrapped in funny parables that made the prospects smile, all the while I was gauging their body language to ensure they were beginning to “like me”… 😂😂

It’s important to know in B2B people will buy from people they like, know and trust, so you should reveal your true personality.. be real…


I explained that now I’d like to understanding the prospect’s company better and the single best way for me to do that was to ask questions and listen…

I pulled out my pre-written questions (that I actually already knew the answers to) and began to push the emphasis onto the prospect to reveal to me their short-comings…. 😎

I was starting to feel more confident, in the groove, I was on plan, sticking to the process…gaining more confidence…. Started telling myself “holy crap this is working”… 🔧

After each answer I would make a few comments like “oh my you don’t have that? Well I think you have big opportunity there” – but I’d never actually explain what that opportunity was, only that I would include it in a report for them…

After the last answer I wrapped up the meeting (just 60mins) and thanked the prospect for their data… 🙏

…. at this stage I could feel they were now in a high state of wanting more information to the opportunities I had discovered…or actually that the had told themselves!!!

I then asked for another appointment for one week’s time so I could return and deliver a report of all the opportunities they had with my recommendations…. (Again not telling anything about how to do it).


….that week I looked through all the answers…

… I was excited, I was feeling good about how professional it was feeling… 😄😄

I prepared a business report which took about 60 mins… on that report were my recommendations to their answers…. And my recommendation were always two options… (1. Starter Package) or (2. Pro Package) and a small description of each…

For example….

Starter Package = 10 Keyword SEO Plan
Pro Package = 20 keyword SEO Plan + content authoring + social profiles… etc..

I did this for each answer…. (About 20 questions)… Like explain what my recommendation would include service wise….

Each time I explained the opportunities I could sense the prospect was getting very interested in being in the “cool club” and having these services…✔️

At the end of the report I said….

“now this is yours to keep, you can go and do what I recommend OR you can have me do this for you”

… I then pulled out a single sheet of paper with two quotes on it..

The paper had the following words on it.

Starter Package $997/month + $500 project start
Pro Package $3k/month +$1.5k project start

I then asked the question…

“Which of these would you like to choose??”..😁😁

And then I stopped talking and remained silent…

Just silence for the prospect to speak….

The prospect spoke first and said:

“Well we’re definitely serious about this and you’ve conducted yourself so professionally and helped us realise we can trust you so it’s the Pro Package please”…✔️💰✔️💰✔️💰✔️💰😄💰😎😎

Holy crap!!!

I cannot Tell. You. How. Amazing. I felt right then…😍😍😍

…. I mean I was utterly exploding with raging delight….

We shook hands and my consultancy was up and running. My colleague and I indulged in fine wine that evening as a celebration…


I did another one the week after….and the week after and the week after!!!! ✔️✔️✔️

Reached 10k month retained very rapidly. 🏆🏆🏅🏅

Doing the same thing, exact same steps….

It’s a beautiful feel to receive the amazing validation that you can do this…

And guess what❓

You can!!!

Do what I did, use the steps, and continue to do it, refine it, and you’ll sell anything.

Best thing you can do?

Get off the messenger, close the laptop, put the phone down and go out and meet people that NEED you… and WANT you… the people that need you the most are not in FB groups…👨‍🏫☕

Be you, be the person you were born to be…meet people in the flesh, create meaningful relationships.

Adopt my process and you will also achieve these results, because it’s just a process, a step by step one that you can tweak and perfect…

Hope it’s helpful, you can get access to the full blown course in our Academy.

Good luck. ✌️