so I had a recent request to help someone out with a very basic html job, which
went like this:
“work in a Specialist college & deliver small group teaching for readers & non readers (using pictorial sheets or Widget). I was trying to convert my current worksheets so the students could access them on the computers or college intranet system by completing the answers which they could then print off. I have managed to achieve this in only some of them. I have saved the orgininals to use as back up when the computers fail. Ideally I would like to create more interesting ones when I have the time (studying 2 courses as well) but wanted initially to do the ones I already use as I thought this may be quicker. I would be grateful for any help or advice you are able to give me. The worksheets are usually in word. I could forward some examples if it would make more sense for you to see what I mean. Then hopefully as I become more confident in my abilities I can progress onto more interesting ones.”
She sent in some examples which were word docs, the interactivity levels were minimal so I instructed a form style HTML set would do the job, you can see that here: Interactive Form Elements.