This is a story I filmed in 2017 when I once again had another epiphany that I should now go full circle and back to my roots. This is the moment I made a decision to build my second online school and this time coach and mentor people to become profitable online...
This is a fantastic business model that enables you to create a self-sustaining business. All local businesses want their phone to ring with a constant supply of new customers. You can be the consultant to make that happen using my course materials that I talk about...
Nobody wants bad reviews for their business, as we all know these can have a huge influence on future customers. Naturally we should never be in the position of actually ever getting bad reviews instead we should in fact be striving for providing an excellent...
This video about the very important concept of really understanding who it is you are trying to attract as customer for your products. Whilst you can try to attract everyone for your products, you will in fact achieve far greater success if you instead niche down and...
So many people think that going niche is going to somehow become less profitable for them. In fact the opposite is true This has been the case for me countless times in my own businesses and also in working with my students too. It’s not the easiest thing to do,...
Don’t over complicate the process of getting new clients for your social media marketing agency. People will always buy from people they like know and trust. To get into this position of being liked, known and trusted requires you to build a relationship with...