I had a moment of doubt last week when I got the email reply pushing back on a new contract. 🥺
I was gutted because I had carried out a fabulous needs analysis, indicated amazing opportunity and then a corresponding solutions report.
It felt really good because I knew without a shadow of doubt how much new business my solution would bring to this prospect… It felt good.
Yet after that meeting (on the phone) something niggled me in mind…
I recalled what it was whilst laying in bed that evening… 😴
I hadn’t taken the time to break down the objection of why a monthly service fee was necessary….
I didn’t explain the value of that for the prospect..
Instead, like a total rookie, I just stuck it on the solution proposal assuming they’d “get it”…
Of course they didn’t…
And now days after the email had arrived….
Expressing their doubts on why this service fee was needed..
I was disappointed in myself I felt like I had failed my own proven process, and I had, I hadn’t carried it out correctly.
What an idiot…🥴
So I had to invest more time in sales skills, more nurturing and remove the objection..
I used the push back method and strongly stated why I never work with clients without one..
And said “maybe it is better we do not progress”…
This pushed the ball back into their court to make the decision as I knew they totally wanted it, if they could overcome this hurdle… ♠️
They came back a week later saying the same thing, and yet this time I gave more amazing reasons why this is super value… Stating the beneficial business outcomes, taking it well away from the price perspective.
They agreed and I signed off a 2k contract and monthly retainer.🏆
So guys two things here, well maybe three/four
- I am human and make mistakes… I failed at using my process as I teach you to. A good refreshing lesson for me.
- I have moments of doubt in my abilities, always.
- You can do this as you’re no different to me.
- Yes businesses are buying right now (small local business this one). ✌️