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Today, companies need all the tools and tricks that they can harness to get ahead, and most have already realised that using social media can have a huge impact on their business. But in most cases, Facebook gets all the attention.

The fact is that UK companies should look beyond just Facebook and Twitter when they’re seeking UK social media help.

Google Plus – or G+ as it’s often called – can help as well.

There is a right and wrong way to utilise G+ for small business, of course. Here are ten ways to make it work for you.

1. Link To Your Site – By setting up an engaging profile that links back to your main website and by adding posts and content that connects to your main page, you can direct traffic to your main online presence.

2. Send Visitors To Your Blog – Often, a company’s blog is its heart and soul. By sharing your blog posts on G+ you’ll boost traffic to your blog and ensure that it gets increased attention.

3. Market New Promotions – Obviously, posting about new sales or special offers is a key use for Google Plus. It makes it easy to share the information you need about your business in a timely manner.

4. Connect Through Apps – Many companies already use Google Apps and other Google products. These products can all link up along with G+, and doing so can help enhance your employees’ productivity in a significant way.

5. Engage With Clients – Don’t just spam like crazy on your wall. Talk to those in your circle and engage with them to show them that you’re more than just an empty marketing presence.

6. Do A Live Q and A – Google Hangouts are the real draw of G+, and they have numerous options. One of the best is to use them for a live Question and Answer session. Clients and customers can drop in and ask you questions about a product or company in real time.

7. Company Meetings – Google Hangouts are also perfect for company meetings when everyone can’t be in the same place. It’s a perfect way to connect with employees when you need to.

8. Run Product Demos – By using Google Hangouts you can demonstrate your product or service to everyone who joins. It’s like a live press conference that can be visited anywhere in the world.

9. Network With Others – Whether it’s your business partners, competition, or suppliers, it’s easy to connect with others in your field by using Google Hangouts.

10. Share Smart – Since G+ lets you create circles and share posts only with those in specific circles, you can use the social media page to make special offers to certain people or to target information towards them. Sharing smart will help in a big way.

Google Plus has a lot to offer anyone operating a UK small business, and it shouldn’t be ignored just because Facebook gets more attention. It could pay off in a big way if you use it smartly.

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